
Episode 17 - Light

Have you ever stopped to think about what difference light makes to your life. Most often I take it for granted that tomorrow the sun will rise and I’ll have electric power to give me light an night. But can you imagine what the world would be like without light? Thankfully we don’t live in such a world and in fact the season of Christmas is one where we celebrate the arrival of the Light of the world - Jesus Christ.

Light is essential for all aspects of our lives and what we see influences many of our decisions. In the light we see things as they are, we see the truth. And knowing the truth is so important because the Truth sets us free from doubt, fear and so many other things that hinder us living life to the full. In this episode, we explore a little bit of what it means to live and walk in the Light, why walking in the light is good for our mental, emotional and spiritual health, what could happen when we hide things in the dark instead and how to get light in our life and keep on walking in the light.